Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Spring Cleaning for the Soul

You’ve heard about it.

You’ve listened to people “do it” in their houses.

You are probably either taking a break from it or are avoiding it while you are reading this

post…right now.

It can be very refreshing and rejuvenating, giving you a new lease on life.

It can be daunting too.

It can be a simple, one-step process, but most likely it’ll take a day...or five.

Once you’ve done it, you can move forward with life.

Dealing with it and sticking to it is not for the faint-hearted,

But when your soul is aching for some novelty and zest during these gloomy, spring

days, sometimes it’s the only way to cope.

My suggestion is baby-steps over giant ones, although I need to heed my own advice.

Have fun, laugh a little, put on some great music, and enjoy…

The process of cleaning out the clutter, the energy-suck you feel with things on your


A tidy, clean, freeing space is rare around my house, but essential when I’m working

through things.

It’s almost a given that cleaning is part of the process.

It always has been...and always will.

What do you need to clean away, hand off to others, and move forward with today?

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